Wednesday, August 26, 2009


was it so crazy to wonder if our blog stood at attention and captured the heart of a big-time editor? ah-yeh(cough-cough)probably so.

was it that more realistic to know deep down the likelihood that zillions of animal blogs (well deserved) received this same award? again, ah-yeh probably.

but we here are dreamers and we like the idea of possibilities; even if found within our own imagination.

thank you (for thinking of us) Pet Supplies place for our 'cool cat related website of the day ' award even if a zillion others got it... oy vey.

because if anything, this does signify that we are indeed google-able right.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

house mouse

in honor of the mouse we found in our house today we are dedicating this to our quiet, silky yet cooperative ones,

we like these better. they lay right here. the house mouse we found ran everywhere.

...these here are three blind mice.
we are in control. we can throw em up high even. that house mouse was very fast and we couldnt catch him for more than seconds. too quick .

we think mom prefers these to the real thing anyway.

Thats right folks. The last two nights all four cats have been surrounding the stove, eyes and ears glued to its' base. For hours.

Upon removing the pull out drawer we found three of their silk mice. Junior remained underneath the stove, cornering something. And well, thats when the house mouse made a run for it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

patch of doppelganger

hi all. it is time to pick our caption. i had to ponder over it for a bit.

me, pondering.

Jan's Funny Farm said...
"I'm in second place now, behind a cat who can't even purr."

Angel and Kirby said...
"Meet my new friend, he is the black fuzzy one."

Cheysuli and gemini said...
"A calico cat? Couldn't you have gotten a tuxie for me?"

Khyra The Siberian Husky And Sometimes Her Mom said...
"We are both wishing we were khanines!"

pughy said...
"Nope I wont cooperate and look at the camera, just because he is."

original photo

Melvin said...
"Don't judge me. She's perfect just the way she is! Even though she is a little... Stiff."

♥Da fambly cat-a-blog kitties♥ said...
"When they told me that my new sisfur was gonna be a calico, I didn't plan on this!"

CCL Wendy said...
"She's kinda going' fru a bad patch lately!"

Cheyenne -Millie said...
"Great Scott! Am I really posing with this?"

Halloween said...
"Meet my doppelganger cat!"

all entries were so good. this is a tough decision folks.
i sit and ponder some more in the window.
sun on fur. paws crossed. focused.


CCL Wendy said...
"She's kinda going' fru a bad patch lately!"

"Meet my doppelganger cat!"

We combined to call it a 'patch of doppelganger' !
CCL Wendy and Halloween, thank you. Well done. We loved the captions.

They were all great.
Thanks all the wonderful cats and woofs for playing.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


she thought i was just sniffing. then i took a lick. before we knew it i was chewing.

not into blowing bubbles, however.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

visual reflect

i'm on television. see me. my tail. our bed. tent. and even our mouse has made an appearance.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

earths eye

cats eye - earth Pictures, Images and Photos

in honor of world cat day

and, just perhaps, the eye of the cat is the eye which sees entirety of lifes reflection.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


... fellow cool cat readers (& woofs) .

credits: juniors paw

Millie's House gave us4 this award on july 13. thank you for the pretty gesture.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

thunder boomers

windows cracked, this wet day

rain outside

makes us sleepy as we lay

Saturday, August 01, 2009