...mesmerized eyes reflecting warm sun thoughts,
...open window; perched and strategically placed paws we (mother & daughter) feel the Fall breeze through our fur, our face and up our tails as we will slowly drift to the back noise of singing birds and whispering wind blown leaves.
Yes we love open air seats and sun!
What a nice way to spend time...
aw, what a perfect way to spend the day. open windows are the great thing about autumn.
enjoy the sunny sunbeams while you can!
Sitting in open windows! One of our favorite things!!
~ Noah and The Bunch
That looks a good spot to sit. What are you watching?
Open windows??? Awww, so nice. Not yet here though.
Luf, Us
Keep watching, because a cat never knows when something good (or something evil) might come by.
Yep, there's nothing better than the crisp fall air in your furs!
So eloquent. Lovely.
Your pictures are so beautiful! From the topcatrules girls:
Very pretty are you entering that in the Frisky Fall Contest?
we are wondering too if you are going to enter this beautiful post over at the Fall Contest (meezerfall.blogspot.com)
It's gorgeous
Very cool pictures!!!
Ahhhh, nothing like sitting in a fall breezy open window wif da sun shining on yoor furs. Except maybe eating shrimp.
Wow! The classic laser eyes. Lovely pictures and poetic writing.
Well, thanks all. Yes, we will be checkn out the fall contest.
I just had to capture this moment when I looked at my black cat and how the sun made her eyes glow in reflection; it never stops placing me in awe how beautiful cats really are. I am just glad I caught this moment in photo, as it was very brief beofre it passed.
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