where have I been? in hiding. i wait for the return of the camera phone. no blinding light. just click. everyones happy. incognito, photos are few and far between. i have, for that reason, dug into the files of my past. pictures. of me. moments captured below are to remind you. i am still here. playing. purring. napping. cuddling. watching. squeaking. dunking paw in water bowl. being the gentle shy giant they say I am. just kinda concerned (for my eye sight) in hiding.
eventually I will trust IT again to pose for them *gasp* wait a cotton pickn minute was that a flashy... *geesh* nevermind, false alarm.
I don't like the flashy box either. My Mom has something called a dijitul S-L-R camera that can take good pictures without the flashy light. But, I'm still nervous when she points that thing at me because I never know what it's going to do!
awww, but you're so cute--how can you deprive us of yer cuteness? even skeezix, who has gotten pictured GAZILLIONS of times, will pose. his secret is that he just squints a lot, an' the beans is just delighted if they can catch him wif eyes open once in a while!!!
Well, yeah, der am doze spots after da pikshers and sometimes fur a looooong time after. We don't think any cat effur went blind tho, but don't quote us cuz we ain't sure.
Be Brave kitties and let your bean use the flashy box. If you're cooperative there will be yummmy temptashuns in your future.
Da flashblind Ozark Cats
Oh no.. don't hide from the flash box. How else will your fans get to see your handsome photos??
Oh you can run but you cant hide for long, they always get you with that flashy box in the end. But what an end you are lovely to look at.
We don't want you to go blind from flashies, but we like seeing you.
I don't like the flashy box either. My Mom has something called a dijitul S-L-R camera that can take good pictures without the flashy light. But, I'm still nervous when she points that thing at me because I never know what it's going to do!
Just pretend to like it! That's what we do:)
You should work out a deal with you beans, for every flash you get a treat!
Trust me!
Resistance is futile!
THose were cute pictures, but we want more!
awww, but you're so cute--how can you deprive us of yer cuteness? even skeezix, who has gotten pictured GAZILLIONS of times, will pose. his secret is that he just squints a lot, an' the beans is just delighted if they can catch him wif eyes open once in a while!!!
I so hate flashy photos... I can't see for moments after...
Well, yeah, der am doze spots after da pikshers and sometimes fur a looooong time after. We don't think any cat effur went blind tho, but don't quote us cuz we ain't sure.
Just say NO to da flashbox! Be brave, we has learned if yoo turn yer back, dey leave ya alone.
I mean, I can deal with the clicky box, but flashy boxes are just asking too much!
Sometimes it is the price we pay for being so good-looking!
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