was it so crazy to wonder if our blog stood at attention and captured the heart of a big-time editor? ah-yeh(cough-cough)probably so.
was it that more realistic to know deep down the likelihood that zillions of animal blogs (well deserved) received this same award? again, ah-yeh probably.
but we here are dreamers and we like the idea of possibilities; even if found within our own imagination.
thank you (for thinking of us) Pet Supplies place for our 'cool cat related website of the day ' award even if a zillion others got it... oy vey.

because if anything, this does signify that we are indeed google-able right.
Congratulations on the award! We got that yesterday.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Still, consider what great company you are in! Congratulations!
Concatulations on your well deserved award!!!
Congratulations! We got it too...a couple weeks ago. But it's still cool!
Concats. We got it too.
Congrats! You are Google-icious! indeed ;)
That's a great award! Congrats!
I understand completely! I had the same thoughts when I received the award last night and then when I saw how many of my furriends received it today!
Oh geeeesh, we hope we didn't make you feel bad when we mentioned having gotten it too, that wasn't our intent. :( We wuz in a hurry and probably didn't word our comment too well. We're sorry. :(
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
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